Monday, July 30, 2012

Jack and Mary Divorce

For anyone wondering about the obit. Yes, Jack and Mary Brown did divorce. I will look back through the rest of my notes tonight to find the exact date of the divorce. They were not able to make it after Chris' death I am told. There was a lot of resentment among other things. Jack remarried. Mary did not.


Unknown said...

This story intrigues me to this day!! Didnt they have another son?

~E said...

That happens a lot, very sad.

Anonymous said...

Fiesty mama - apparently they adopted one.

Lebram said...

So when did they divorce

Lebram said...

When did they divorce did he really go through this with her and did he raise Christine?

Lebram said...

When did they divorce did he really go through this with her and did he raise Christine?

Alexis said...

No I don’t think this is accurate.

Anonymous said...

Are Jack and Mary still alive?
And is their granddaughter the one on the reality show sister wives?